

Well, after a recent conversation with a marketing expert from down under, we came to the conclusion that my aims and objectives for Paw4Help didn’t really gel together with the name of the brand, and due to the fact that I refuse to exclude any animal species from my war efforts as I don’t want to see the world getting better for one type of animal whilst forgetting about another we decided that a re-brand may be the best way to overcome this problem.

So “Parity” was born, I’ve yet to set up a blog for parity4animals as of yet, but this is the next thing on my to-do list. Twitter is set up @Parity4Animals and there is also a facebook page set up as well. Here. 

I’m sorry for causing hassle with the brand change and so on, however I think it’s for the best as I do not want to give off the wrong image for what I am doing, I love animals, all animals and would never want people to think that I was only focused on a certain type of animal.

So bear with me over the next few weeks and things will all be set up and sorted out soon enough. It’s for the best in the long run!

Sharks Need Our Help

Why Sharks Are Heading To Extinction

Hammer Head Shark

Do These Deserve To Die?

Shark finning, the removal and retention while the remainder of the living shark are discarded in the ocean. Sharks returned to the ocean without their fins are often still alive and unable to move effectively, they sink to the bottom of the ocean and suffocate or are eaten by other predators.

Shark Finning at sea enables fishing vessels to increase their profitability and increase the number of sharks harvested, as they only have to store and transport the fins by far the most profitable part of the shark.

Every fin on a shark is a target for shark finning, the primary dorsal fin, secondary dorsal fin, caudal fin, anal fin, pelvic fin and pectoral fins. Finners target most of the shark species. The most common species of shark hunted are The Blacktip shark, Blue Shark, Bull Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Porbeagle Shark, Mako Shark, Sandbar Shark, Thresher Shark, Tiger Shark and The Great White Shark.

Impact On Sharks

The removal of a shark’s fin prevents it from swimming, and therefore incapable of hunting for prey or from avoiding predators and some species lack the ability to pump water through their gills and must swim without rest, these species “suffocate” if unable to move.

Tens of millions of sharks are “Finned” each year, and around 8,000 tons of shark fins are transported to restaurants around the world to be turned into “Shark Fin Soup”. Shark fins are alone tasteless and they are used alongside a concoction of stocks.

Fin-less Shark

No-One Deserves This

Many people especially consumers are unaware of the suffering that finning causes. Since 1970 some species of sharks have declined by over 90%. Since 1972 Blacktip shark populations have fallen by 93%, tiger sharks by 97% and bull sharks, dusky sharks and smooth hammerheads by 99%. This is due to the fact that sharks take up to 7 years to mature and only have 1 or 2 pups each year.

Are Sharks Really Blood Thirsty?

Humans also find way of justifying their behaviours, every year up to 100 million sharks are slaughtered each year and we call them the bloodthirsty killers. No more than 12 humans are killed each year by shark attacks. Sea Shepherd claims more people are killed by lightning strikes whilst playing golf than by sharks each year.

So even though they are not the bloodthirsty animals many people claim they are, we still continue to hunt and slaughter them. We as the human race have almost eradicated the entire shark population from the ocean and what for?

Well initially for their fins, but also for their teeth and jaws, we also kill them for leather to make shoes and belts. We slaughter them for shark liver oil, for shark cartilage (pseudo cancer cures). Sharks are also used for cosmetics, skin care products and in medicines.

What Will Happen If They Become Extinct?

Sharks are a major citizen to the oceans eco-system and when these amazing species become extinct no one is sure what long lasting effects it will have upon the world, however due to the fact that sharks are one of the main predators in the ocean and without them, we could possibly lose almost the amount of oxygen that is produced by all of the trees and forests in the world.

We will also be removing sharks from future generations, and this would be a loss for all of our children and grandchildren, these animals once extinct will never ever be able to be brought back to life. Once they are gone that’s it. There gone.

Two hundred and fifty million years ago the planet suffered from a mass extinction and scientists believe this caused catastrophic changes in the oceans. Sharks play a major role in our ocean and they ensure our seas maintain a healthy balance and not to reach the point of two hundred and fifty million years ago again.

How To Help Stop This

A shark seen as menacing, showing their teeth and thus are seen as “cold-blooded” killers, so protecting them is harder as many members of the everyday public believe that they are killers not cute and smiley like dolphins and seals.

Shark Soup

Slaughter For Tasteless Soup

Many countries are to blame for this mass slaughter of sharks happening, not just in countries where shark fin soup is sold as a delicacy. Countries such as Argentina, India, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Spain and Egypt as well as many more have little to no legislation on shark finning and due to this the slaughter will continue until either it’s banned globally or the sharks become extinct.

Sharks are clever, beautiful creatures and do not deserve to be slaughtered for a tasteless food or for medicine and many of us are supporting this cruel slaughter to take place even if we do not eat the soup. Things like face cream, wallets and jewellery can all contain shark products and every time someone buys something containing shark it’s adding to the demand for them to be fished and finned.

Please help protect these beautiful creatures by not buying any product including sharks and also by helping and donating to charities and organisations such as The Sea Shepherds and Save The Sharks.

Who To Donate To

Cruelty Free Charities

So you’ve got a few extra pounds and decide that you want to do a good thing and donate to a charity, to help out with the many illnesses and diseases that are causing fatalities and affecting many millions of people around the world. However you are not sure which charity you should donate to.

Well, there are many choices that you may have to get your head around including which illness you want to help find a cure for and even then there are many choices for you to pick from. Sometimes is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

So that’s why these lists will hopefully help you when deciphering through the millions of choices out there.

Who To Donate To

Action Against Allergy
Action Cancer
Action For Blind People
Against Breast Cancer
Age Care
Alcohol Concern
Allergy UK
Animal Cancer Trust
Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust
Arterial Health Foundation
The Arthritic Association
Balls To Cancer
BEAT (Beating Eating Disorders)
The Big C
Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity
The Bob Champion Cancer Trust
Bosom Buddies
Bowel Cancer Information
Bowel Cancer Care
Bowel Cancer Survival Trust
Breast Cancer UK
Breast Friends
British Deaf Association
British Dyslexia Association
British Homeopathic Association
BIBIC (British Institute for Brain Injured Children)
British Kidney Patient Association
British Organ Donor Society
British Polio Fellowship
British Red Cross
Cancer Active
Cancer Kin Centre
Cancer Recovery Foundation
Cancer Research Wales
CLIC Sargent
 Cardiac Risk in the Young
Cardiomyopathy Association
Caring Cancer Trust
Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland
The Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group
The Children’s Research Fund
Christian Lewis Children’s Cancer Care
Cleft Lip & Palate Association
Dementia UK
Downs Syndrome Association
Dr Hadwens Trust for Humane Research
East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice
Eating Disorders Foundation
Elton John AIDS Foundation
Epilepsy Action
Epilepsy Scotland
Epilepsy Society
FORCE Cancer Charity
Foundation for Liver Research
Genetic Disorders UK
Greater London Fund for the Blind
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Haemophilia Society
The Haven
Headway – The Brian Injury Association
Hearing Link
Herpes Virus Association
Henshaw’s Society for the Blind
The Humane Research Trust
International Glaucoma Association
Jeans for Genes
John Charnley Trust
Laura Crane Trust
The Little Foundation
Lord Dowling Fund
Lymphoma Association
Macmillan Cancer Support
Marie Curie Cancer Care
Meningitis Trust
Mental Health Foundation
Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children
Mind, The Mental Health Charity
Migraine Action
MS Research and Relief Fund
Multiple Sclerosis Trust
Narcolepsy UK
National Deaf Children’s Society
National Kidney Federation
National Osteoporosis Society
National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation
National Society for Research into Allergy
New Approaches to Cancer
The Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust
The Pain Relief Foundation
Penny Brohn Cancer Care
Pink Ribbon Cancer Care
Quest Cancer Research
Raynaud’s & Scleroderma Association
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Royal National Institute of Blind People
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Safer Medicines Trust
The Scoliosis Association UK (SAUK)
Scottish Spina Bifida Association
Shaw Trust
Spinal Injuries Association
Sue Ryder
Teenage Cancer Trust
Terrance Higgins Trust
Together Against Cancer
Tree of Hope
Values into Action
York Against Cancer

So there you have it, next time you are looking to donate money to a good cause, stop and think if it’s a medical charity and not on this list then it’s more than likely that your money is helping support the killing of millions of innocent animals around the world and consequently supporting animal cruelty and useless experiments and tests that have resulted in the death of animals and hundreds of thousands of humans.

Cancer Research UK – Where’s Your Money Really Going

Where’s Your Money Going?


Cancer Research UK raises £1 Million in 24 Hours, Thanks To No Make Up Selfies”


Cancer Research UK has had a massive boost in donations over the past few days thanks to their “No Make-Up Selfies” trending over Facebook, but how many of the people who have taken part in this trend actually realize


Scared And Tested On

where their precious donations are being spent?


Each year, millions of animals are tested on for human diseases and their cures, and where is it getting us? We are no closer to finding the cure for cancer than we was years ago. Rats, Mice, Cats, Dogs, Primates, Fish, Birds and large mammals such as Cows, Sheep and Pigs are used in medical research each year. In 2010 alone 3,724,726 scientific procedures involving animals took place in the UK. Many charities do and will continue to spend your donations on cruel and useless animal tests and experiments.


For the animals used in tests and experiments life is nothing but grim, they spend their whole life locked away in small barren cages, never seeing the light of day. Rodents are locked away in small cages piled up on top of each other as if they are tools. Animals just like us humans have wants and desire and I doubt any animal desires a life of torture and abuse.


As millions of animals thrive to be free, they can’t fight their way out of the laboratories that hold them captive, unfortunately all they can do is sit in small confined spaces and wait… Wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be cruelly preformed on them. Many of the animals develop neurotic behaviours due to all the stress and boredom they suffer from. Some of these behaviours include repeatedly spinning around in circles, rocking back and forth and even pulling their own hair out or biting their skin.


Cancer Research UK

From 2009/2010 Cancer Research UK had a annual income of £515 Million and their expenditure on animal experiments and testing totalled £308 Million but why is this, Cancer Research UK are one of the biggest charities fighting for a cure for cancer, however they are depending on the use of animals. Animals and humans react differently to both drugs and illness, many of the animals used to test for cures reject the cancer tumours in the first place. A fact that the charity themselves know. In 2003 a study compared the value of 3 cancer models, mouse xenografts of human cells, mouse cell tumours grafted into mice, and human in vitro cell lines and the study found that the human cells were of equivalent usefulness to mouse xenografts. So why are we still testing on animals when there is alternatives?




Nine out of ten drugs that appear promising in animal studies go on to fail in human clinical trials”


Due to the difference between animals and ourselves many of the drugs and cures discovered by animal testing work great on the animal it is tested on, however once transferred to humans 1 out of 10 actually work. Previously many drugs that have been released into the market for humans that were tested on animals have had to be pulled back due to unforeseen side effects. Below is a list of disasters in human life due to animal testing and the lack of results.


  • Smoking was though non-carcinogenic because smoking related cancer is difficult to reproduce in lab animals. Many continued to smoke and die from Cancer.


  • Animal experiments on Rats, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Mice, Monkeys and Baboons revealed no link between glass fibres and cancer. Not until 1991, due to human studies, did OSHA label it carcinogenic



  • Many continued to be exposed to asbestos and die because scientists could not reproduce the Cancer in lab animals.


  • Mitoxantrone, a treatment for cancer produced heart failure in humans. It was extensively tested on dogs, which did not manifest this effect.


The above are just examples of how animal testing has failed, and due to this caused possibly millions of deaths amongst humans as well as useless death to millions of animals. Cancer therapies based on animal testing have an astonishing fail rate of 95% in phase III clinical trials.


In an email to Animal Aid, Cancer Research UK used 3 examples of how animal testing has helped fight against cancer. The Breast Cancer drug Tamoxifen drugs that effect the blood supply to tumours (including the novel drug Combreastatin) and work on the P53 gene pathway. However due to 95% of cancer drugs failing in humans Animal Aid discovered that the drugs which cut off blood supply to tumours have not been a clinical success and that the development of Tamoxifen was complicated by misleading data from animal experiments. Furthermore the P53 Gene Pathway research has only led to one drug being introduced in China, which effects are also highly contested.



Who To Donate To?


I am not saying that donating your precious hard earned money to charities in order to help advance human cures for terrible diseases that kill and effect millions each year, but what I do believe in is donating to charities who do not spend millions of pounds each year. There are various charities out there that are fighting the battle against Cancer without destroying millions of animals’ lives each year. These charities include:


Action Cancer
The Big C
Force Cancer Charity
The Heaven
Macmillan Cancer Support
Marie Curie Cancer Care
New Approaches To Cancer
Together Against Cancer

 I understand that many of us go through life and we will be effected by Cancer, I myself lost my granddad to cancer and I am thankful to all of the organisations that offered help to him and the family whilst going through tough times. I believe that one day we will beat cancer, but it doesn’t need to be tested on Animals when there are many safer and more reliable alternatives.





I’m Sorry!


To all my readers across the world wide web

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to you today to apologise, apologise for my recent lack of blog posts, articles and partaking in the social media network. I am not giving up in my fight against animal cruelty and never will. I aim to become more active again soon enough. However I am living with my fiancée in a flat in Walsall paid for by us. My recent lack of communication is due to starting work for Amazon in one of their many warehouses, I am not making any money off of my blog or writing as of yet. I will however continue in the war against animal abusers around the world as soon as I can work out a balance in my life. With a flat to run, fiancée too keep happy, and two cats to look after my blog has suffered. My views have dropped from around 100+ a day to below 50 a day. However this won’t be forever.

I currently have no way of getting online when I’m away from my flat. I did have a tablet, which recently broke, and my mobile phone is never topped up with Internet or credit, so please accept this apology and bear with me as I sort things in my life out.

I believe in you (My Readers) to understand that sometimes in life priority has to change sometimes and due to this some projects will suffer, however I will try to keep posting on my blog as much as I can, and I have a few articles lined up and even a series of articles which I am sure you will all enjoy!

So stay loyal to those animals and keep fighting, although I’m not going to be as active as I wish over the next coming weeks I am sure I will be able to sort something out in order to keep my blog “current” and “up-to-date”.

Thank you, for standing by me and hopefully one day this long fight will be worth it and the animals around the world will have us to thank for their new lease on life.



Adam Oldacres

Author, Animal Rights Campaigner  

HS2 – A Waste Of Time!

HS2 – A Waste Of Time

What Is HS2?

Stop HS2 Sign

Together We Will Win

For those of you who have been living under a rock or not living within the UK, HS2 also known, as High Speed 2 is a government plan to construct a new high speed rail network. That will connect cities such as London, The West Midlands, Leeds and Manchester. Costing over £50 Billion and causing irreversible environmental damage.

Advantages Of HS2

(If Any)

  • Creating Space On Crowded Routes
  • Making Room For Freight
  • Quicker Journeys Between Cities
  • Economic Benefit And Creating Jobs
  • Positive Environmental Effects

So HS2 seems pretty promising, right? Well this may be true, until you look at how they (The Government & HS2 Supporters) use smoke and mirrors to create a false sense of hope surrounding HS2. I will continue to explain what the above “Advantages” really of for us, the taxpayers.

Space On Crowded Routes

HS2 promises to help crowded routes become less crowded, sounds pretty simple right? Routes such as between London, the Midlands and the North. Claiming that they are running out of capacity at a vast rate. However when you look at the statistics another story is told. Virgin WCML trains are on average only 52% full (at peak times). This translates to a train with a seating capacity of 589 currently only using an average of 229 seats and almost all trains going into London can be lengthened to seat 693 people.

Clearing Space For Freight

Train capacity isn’t just people travelling, freight trains are “estimating” a 120% increase in use by 2030, however Lord Berkeley Chairman of Rail Freight Group spoke up against HS2 explaining that for at least the first 6 or 7 years after opening seven HS2 trains an hour will run on the current West Coast tracks. This will create a “Capacity Crunch” in The Midlands and North. Lord Berkeley continues to explain that even after completion of HS2 there will still be constraints for freight trains caused by HS2. This situation has the whole freight industry worried.

Better Journeys Between Cities

The High Speed train service promises to connect cities in the UK by providing faster train times, while bringing the cities of UK closer together so commuting will not take a day anymore. However how much time is really saved if you use HS2? Well let’s say the conditions of the trains route are perfect, no leaves on the tracks, no snow, no ice, no hold ups or delays, no floods or no 220MPH+ crashes. With all this avoided the travelling time from London to Birmingham will be cut by 30 minutes. The journey from London to Liverpool will save an estimated 25 minutes and only 30 minutes from London to Glasgow.

However many of HS2’s train stations will not be located in the centre of towns and many passengers will be required to travel to and from the stations on service such as buses or on foot. With some stations up to 15 minutes walk outside of the local city centres such as Birmingham. The HS2 station in Birmingham is going to be located outside of the city centre and will require passengers boarding alternative transport methods to travel into the busy city centre..

Economic Benefit And More Jobs

The government explain that HS2 will create £60 Billion in “User Benefits” once complete. It will also create 122,000 jobs making a return on investment of around £1.80 for every £1 invested. Unfortunately all of these jobs will not be permanent as told by the government and most of the available jobs will be in and around London, making the increase in economics a big gain for London but not much elsewhere. Birmingham will only receive 8,300 jobs of which some are jobs already filled but just moving towards the stations. Furthermore since talks of HS2 began the ROI (Return On Investment) has dropped considerably from £4 for every £1 to a miserly £1.80 for every £1, however this is only if the cost of HS2 stays at the same estimated amount that it is currently at.

Positive Environmental Effects

How cutting holes in the UK’s landscape can offer positive effects on the environment is beyond me. However HS2 say’s it will help reduce carbon emissions by making less people travel by plane and car. Again however statistics don’t quite add up as only 5% of its passengers, will move from plane (1%), and car (4%). The high-speed trains will also need at least 3 times the energy as normal inter-city train.

Along with the Aviation market continuing to shrink and the car industry soon to be all electric or plug-in hybrids HS2’s CO2 emissions argument is rapidly shrinking.

Most Important!

Barn Owl

HS2 Say’s Exterminate!

Apart from wasting billions, using broken stats and all arguments for HS2 having cheaper and possibly more effective solutions however there is one disadvantage that has struck my heartstrings. This is the loss of Animals and their Habitats. HS2 will cause damage or destroy up to 350 unique habitats, 67 irreplaceable ancient woodlands, 30 river corridors, 24 SSSI’s (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) and 100’s of other sensitive areas.

This will cause major problems to a lot of animals including many national and country-important species including animals such as Otters, Great Crested Newt, several species of Bat, Freshwater Crayfish, Stag Beetle, Smooth Newt, Common Frog, Slow-Worm, Common Lizard, European Water Vole, Eurasian Badger, rare Butterflies and breeding Birds. These animals have been identified by surveys covering only 47% of the planned route, with no follow up from the government.

The Bat Conservation Trust have identified that HS2 will cause damage to ALL BAT species and in particular the Bechstien’s Bat, who are one of the most rare species. These bats are reliant on ancient woodland, which can’t be replaced as stated in ES (Environment Statement). There is less than 1000 of these Bats in the UK and The Bat Conservation Trust believes that HS2 will cause major damage and issues for these Bats. As well as breaching both the ES and the UK legislation and best practice guidance that protects Bats. The woodland that HS2 plans to damage or destroy dates back to the 1600’s.

Rare Bechstein's Bat

1 of 1000 Left In UK

However not only Bat’s will suffer drastically due to HS2. The Barn Owl also looks to face a pretty grime time, as all of them within a 3KM strip between London and The Midlands will be eradicated. As well as breeding pairs within a mile of the tracks, this may result in the death of up to 52 breeding pairs. The Barn Owl Trust also believes that HS2 will cause long term damage to more and more Barn Owls as there isn’t any protection to help prevent Owl-Train collisions and due to destroying their habitat permanently.

Time To Stop HS2!

As you can see a lot of the subjects surrounding HS2 do not quite add up or make much sense at all, with all the arguments for HS2 having a cheaper and more efficient and safer alternative. I don’t see how it can possibly be given the go ahead. The government may tell us its the future of rail travel but we know it’s not as many countries such as Spain and Germany are already moving away from using High Speed Rail Travel. So HS2 is not only a waste of time, effort and money it also shows complete lack of consideration towards thousands of animals and their homes. These animals have no say in this argument and neither do we by the looks of things. However I believe that this will not stop us from trying our damn hardest to fight for them and ourselves.

That’s why you and I must stand up, speak up and fight. Fight against HS2 and not be tricked by the government’s use of smoke, mirrors and propaganda.

Are Horses Really Replaceable?

Star Jockey Claims Horses Are Replaceable

Ruby Walsh

Perhaps Walsh Would Rather Be On A Rocking Horse?

As those who follow me on Twitter (@Paw4Help) would have seen after publishing my “Cheltenham’s Death Race’s” article and promoting it around Twitter, Face Book, Tumblr, Reddit and a few other social media sites, as I do with all my articles however this time a certain Tweeter had a problem with my article and posted his problems with me directly over the worlds biggest chat room (Twitter).

 Now as I am aware my articles are to the point and direct, if I am opinionated about a certain topic then I will voice my opinion on such topics and base them round specific stats and stone cold evidence. This article was no different and has been read over by Animal Aids Horse Racing Consultant and he has said it is a very good article and will soon be promoted by Animal Aid.

 The Twitter account in mention will not be mentioned on here publicly as everybody is entitled to an opinion and not everyone will agree on my opinion and if they did the article in question would have never been written. So as many arguments pan out we both exchanged emotional words against each other’s opinions. However he did not fight a good fight and only backed his views up with “Visit a race yard” and “I detest animal cruelty” which alone is a hypocritical statement from someone who condones events such as Cheltenham.

 Unfortunately I could not change his views on the subject matter even after showing him statistics about the deaths in race events such as Cheltenham and The Grand National, and after a barrage of abusive tweets he then continued to block me on. This leading to a few others blocking me over the social media site. However this will not phase me in the fight against animal cruelty and although losing a couple of Twitter followers will decrease my blog articles and tweets potential reach for now, it will not effect my battle in the long run. Furthermore those who chose to ignore the facts are only letting themselves and the animals down.

Cheltenham Racecourse

Cheltenham – As Watched By Millions Each Year

 Cheltenham is the 2nd richest jumping event in the world 2nd only to The Grand National. However as Day 1 of this dreadful event finished yesterday with one terrific loss of “Our Connor” who fell at the 3rd hurdle in a race in which many thought he would win. As a result of this he had suffered a back injury and was left with “No Alternative” but to be put down as 57,000 people watched on from the racecourse and millions of more from their TVs. However this wasn’t the only tragedy of the day as Ruby Walsh who won two races on the opening day of the event sparked controversy off the track as he disrespectfully commented on the loss by saying “Horses are horses. You can replace a horse.” This comment is the exact type of behavior my article was trying to conquer.

 A horse is an animal just like human beings they feel pain, anxiety, stress and joy, and many people see them as apart of their families just like other humans. When one is lost to death many owners grieve their loss just as they would of any human member. Hundreds of thousands of people lose companion animals each year and a large majority of these believe that they aren’t replaceable as Walsh presumes.

 A recent poll by Huffington Post UK shows that over 65% of people believe that companion pets such as horses, dogs and cats are irreplaceable and I for one agree that you could never replace one of these animals that has become a part of the family, not just a animal left out of the back door.

However as many of us are disgusted by Ruby Walsh’s comments as it shows that the horse racing industry all about money and jockey enjoyment I am happy that he has revealed the truth behind these events and this evil industry which should have been banned a long time ago. Walsh is one of the “Star” jockeys and whilst he may have made millions of pounds whilst breaking records and making history due to these beautiful animals he has rode over his career and yet he still has the cheek to treat them as if they are disposable and shows no regard to their health and well-being.So for these comments Ruby Walsh I must thank you for showing the world what the horse racing industry is really about, money and greed. I hope when you can no longer ride that your words come back to haunt you as you will one day be “Replaced.”

 So as your words echo around the online community I will not be giving up in fighting to eradicate abuse from animal lives, Walsh has recently tried to make his comments acceptable by stating that horses are like pets, if something happened to one of your pets you would be glad that it wasn’t a family member. However I believe that he should stop digging himself a hole that he won’t be able to climb out of. I have pets and although they are cats, I don’t look at them as “pets” they have become a part of my family and would be completely heart broken if something was to happen to them, and I couldn’t just replace them as if they were the batteries in a remote control.

Your Opinions


Well readers what do you think of Walsh and his comments? Opinions in comments section below please!    



Foxes May Be Hunted Again

Hunting Act 2004 – To Be Amended

Red Fox

                 Leave Them Alone

The Red Fox is a truly beautiful animal, they are in fact one of my favorite animals. During the twilight hours if I’m lucky I can get a good view of them running around on the communal area outside my flat, chasing and playing with each other and on the look out for food. They are intelligent creatures and look absolutely stunning. However for many years they have been the target of many inhumane actions, such as the fur trade and hunting. Due to their beautiful fur coats they were one of the main targets of the evil fur trade. The Red Fox was also mentioned in human folklore and mythology. Due to this I believe that the Red Fox deserves to live worry free, and doesn’t deserve to be chased around by huntsmen and they hounds, shot or killed by humans in any way, shape or form.

Fox hunting originated in the 16th century and was practiced in the UK until 2005 however it also takes place in other countries around the world, such as America, France and more. Fox hunting in it’s traditional form where huntsmen would lead a pack of scent dog’s into fields searching for a foxes scent and then continue to let the dogs search and then chase any foxes they come across, the fox will then face death. However many of the deaths to foxes are cruel and inhumane allowing the hounds to attack and violently kill the poor, scared fox. Many videos have been exposed of hunters using spades or sticks to injury or kill the foxes found and chased during hunts. Some are even seen throwing an injured fox into the pack of hounds.

However The Hunting Act 2004 which came into effect in 2005 made hunting foxes with more than 2 hounds illegal and also made it illegal for the foxes to be killed by the hounds. There are ways to still fox hunt even after the ban and most hunt’s do abide by the regulations of the law, however many organisations still believe that there are many illegal hunts occurring all the time and these hunt’s are not only illegal but also cause stress and misery to the foxes involved. It’s also illegal for a hound to chase a foxes scent so the dogs used in fox hunts after 2005 follow an artificial scent. Legal fox hunts include chasing foxes in order for a bird of prey (which are brought along to hunts) to hunt the fox and also in order to remove the fox as a “pest”

Foxes are seen by farmers as pest, these cunning animals will attack and kill livestock, however I believe that livestock is a farmers possession and if he isn’t providing them with enough security and shelter to keep foxes away then foxes can’t get the blame for doing as nature intended for them to do. However a surprising statistic of a measly 0.4% of livestock deaths are caused by attacks by other animals.

The amendment has sparked fears in those people who are against fox hunts that although the Hunting Act 2004 will still be in place the changes in the law may help re-introduce fox hunting back into legality via the back door, David Cameron has show his “sympathy” for those farmers who are opposing the hunting ban, this has sparked fear in the 80% of the population who believe fox hunt’s are cruel and although the amendment wouldn’t legalese all fox hunts it’s an easier way for the minority of the population to get things their way. As an out right vote on removing the ban on hunting foxes would never be approved.

The Hunting Act 2004 has become one of the most efficient pieces of animal legislation due to over 280 prosecutions since it has been in place. So we need to stand up for what we believe in is right, and not allow David Cameron’s sly tactics to work. We mustn’t allow for these cruel acts of behavior to again become just another industry profiting off of animal cruelty.

We won’t allow the foxes of Great Britain to fight this battle alone!       



Dolphins Deserve Life

Dolphins Deserve Life!

As millions around the world were all loved up on “Valentine’s Day” hundreds of people were fighting for a much more important cause, February 14th was of course “World Love For Dolphins Day” which is a day when the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians demonstrate the love felt around the world for the dolphins they slaughter every year. The demonstrations took place outside of many Embassies and Consulates across America and the rest of the world. They (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society) Also encouraged dolphin lovers from around the world to send “Dolphin Valentine’s” cards directly to Japanese Embassies.

Taiji, Wakayama. A small picturesque fishing town in Japan has many dark sides to it. This small fishing town only home to a population of around 3,000 people is the main threat to dolphins and other small cetaceans as around 2,500 dolphins are killed and captured in coastal waters between the months of September and April. The dolphins are brought close to the shore using a technique called “Drive Fishing” were hunters in a line of motorized boats create a “wall of sound” between the dolphins and the open ocean by banging on metal poles lowered into the water. This causes the dolphins, who rely on sonar to navigate to become disorientated and terrified, causing them to swim towards shore to escape the noise. Once near shore teams of 40-50 fishermen corral them into a small cove and trap them with overnight nets and return the next day and transport them into an adjacent “Killing Cove.” Where the slaughter begins. Hundreds of dolphins are then slaughtered as the “lucky” ones are picked out for sale to Marine Mammal parks across Asia and Europe.

White Albino Calf

This year, one dolphin calf in particular caught the eye of the media and melted the hearts of thousands across the world, this dolphin was “Angel” an extremely rare Albino Bottlenose, who was captured and shipped to a holding tank at Taiji Whale Museum. Many Taiji caught dolphins sell for up to $150,000 but experts believe that because of “Angel” being so rare Marine and Mammal parks will pay up to £298,650 ($500,000 or 364,000 Euro) to show her off to tourists, as people love to see oddities. However O’Barry Founder of Sea Shepherd believes that due to being so young this albino calf will not survive long, as most dolphins who are captured for exhibition die within three years.

Young And Alone

Many of the dolphins whom are “lucky” enough to be released back into the ocean after the killings at “The Cove” in Taiji, will be left in great danger as they will more than likely be very young and not have guidance of their elders that have been killed for meat or captured. This puts them at large risk of dying themselves and due to the “Dolphin Drive” happening every year entire communities of migratory dolphins along the coast of Japan are being destroyed.

During the killing and capturing spree where over 250 Bottlenose dolphins were captured for selection over 100 were killed for the sale of their meat and internal organs which are worth around £300 ($500 or 364 Euro.) Many believe to have seen a numerous dolphins commit suicide including “Angel’s” Mother, who may have held her breathe until she died. This alone is a horrible thought and if it was the only thing that had happened in Taiji, it should still be enough to show people around the world that this needs to stop, and the faster we do that the better. As each year goes by the dolphin population in and around Japan will keep decreasing until there is no more dolphins for “The Cove” to take the lives from.

A One Generation Old “Tradition”

Anti Dolphin Murder Poster

Prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe asked for understanding of Japanese dolphin hunting in small town Taiji. He said it is an ancient practice rooted in their culture and it supports their livelihood, however what he forgot to mention was that Dolphin killing in masses like at the infamous cove in Taiji truly started with the motorboat engine being adopted into the mainstream which is a much shorter time span than “Tradition.” It is more likely to be one generation. Also Mr Shinzo Abe also forgot to mention that the entire fishing industry in Taiji doesn’t profit off of the Dolphin slaughter as their are well over 300 fishermen in Taiji and only around 50 of them profit from the killings of dolphins every year.

Lincon O’Barry of The Ric O’Barry Dolphin Project explains to ROYT that by banishing the dolphin slaughter only 50 fishermen would be “out of business” but unsurprisingly it is these 50 or so that are among the richest people living in Taiji. O’Barry also explains how even if mass dolphin slaughter was a “Tradition” of Taiji fishermen it can still change. He spent months living with natives of Soloman Islands who when he arrived were using dolphin teeth as a currency were able to be taught enough about dolphin conservation for them to change their ways.

“They stopped after a thousand years of tradition. It shows that people can change” Says Mr O’Barry

What Can We Do To Help

There are many things we can do to help protect the dolphins and stop massacres happening. There is options such as volunteering to become a member of “The Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians” this position requires dedication, time and resources but if you have the time and money to do so, it is defiantly worth applying for. For more information visit Sea Shepherd or send an email to If you are unable to volunteer but still wish to help fight for the dolphins then there is other options in which you are able to do so. These include never buying a ticket to any dolphin show, or visiting and partaking in captive dolphin programs such as “Swimming with the dolphins.” Also start spreading the word on the cruelty that these dolphins go through each year to your friends, family and colleagues, even over social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook.

So as you can see even the littlest of things can help these dolphins survive and hopefully as a human race we can eliminate this so called “Tradition” from the face of the earth and leave the sea’s beautiful inhabitants alone and where they belong, with their families to live in peace and harmony. I’ll leave you to make your mind up.

The Canadian Seal Slaughter

The Canadian Seal Slaughter

Canadian Rocky Moutains

Beautiful Outdoor Attractions

Canada, the home of affordability, spectacular national attractions, a vast array of outdoor activities and of course “The Canadian Seal Hunt”. Every year from 15th November till 15th May hundreds of thousands of seals are killed for their meat, skin, fur and blubber. This is then used to make things such as clothing, health pills and food for both human and pet consumption.

The harp seal is perhaps one of the most iconic of sea mammals around the world, the seal cubs are recognized around the world from China to Australia. With their beautiful white fur, cute little faces and doe-ball eyes. So how come we sit back and allow these beautiful animals to be slaughtered each year?

95% Of Seals Killed Are Between 1-3.5 Months Old

Harp Seal Cub

Could You Kill One Of These?

The average life span of a seal is up to 35 years, if they are lucky enough to survive the onslaught of thousands of out-of-work fishermen each year, equipped with rifles, clubs and hakapiks (clubs tipped with metal hooks). Although the seal hunts are regulated, and certain laws try to keep the seal hunts humane video footage filmed by Sea Shepherds show less than 15% of seals were killed in a way that abides by Canada’s Marine Mammal Regulations.

Although the seal industry is slowing dying, Canadian government continues to spend millions of dollars each year to maintain the seal hunts and fight against bans around the world, the money spent is also used to fly the seal pelts to China to be made into clothing. Canada has a federal debt of C$602.4 Billion however estimates show they spend around C$10 Million each year fighting against the bans on seal products in the EU alone.

A Professor At The University Of Guelph Found That By Banning The Seal Hunts Canada Would Save $7 Million Yearly

With the seal industry dying out thanks to bans in countries such as USA, Mexico, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia the price of a seal pelt has fell from $62 in 2007 to $23 in 2011. Russia prior to the ban imported 95% of Canada’s seal pelts. In 2009 the profits of the seal hunt barely made it over C$1 Million. The seal hunt accounts for 1% of income to people in the Newfoundlands, where most of the killing takes place. With yearly expenditure of almost C$5 Million each year, I’m pretty sure that Canada could use this money elsewhere to ensure that fishermen could find other ways of making money out of the fishing season.

Estimations show that over 400,000 seal pelts are locked up in storage across the world, and with more and more countries banning the sale of seal products the seal hunts are only going to become less and less profitable and one day hopefully won’t make any profit at all. The meat from a seal isn’t used as food widely and even the locals don’t eat it as they say “It’s too fatty and distasteful” a majority of the seal meat sold is to China, whom signed a deal with Canada to buy and import seal products after the European ban. However most of the seal meat is left to rot on the ice floor or thrown into the sea after the hunts as it’s doesn’t gain much profit for the killers.

Seal oil even though it’s been funded by the Canadian government hasn’t really took off with shoppers more likely to buy Flax Seed or Hemp Seed Oil rather then “Healthy” oil from horrific seal deaths. “Marine Oil” as it’s advertised are mainly sold either in Canada or are sold to Asia where it can be found in grocery stores. Some “Marine Oil Capsules” have been found for sale in the US in many Asian grocery stores and on online or mail order suppliers where it’s illegal to sell such items. So although the seal oil capsules makes some profits (Mainly Illegal) The small demand for such products doesn’t justify the number of seals bludgeoned to death each and every year.

Seal fur is one of the main things that the seals are killed for in The Canadian Seal Hunts, but what creates this demand for fur isn’t just seal fur clothing it is in fact the fur industry all together. That’s right if you wear any kind of fur you are promoting the hundreds of thousands of seal deaths each year.

So even though the industry is  at an all time low in terms of profitability and the people of Canada would rather money be spent elsewhere than to promote such inhumane killings why do we allow for this to continue? Well I for one will do all I can to help save the lives of these precious seals and hope you will too?

How To Help

With the bans in place around the world, we can’t boycott the seal industry directly anymore but what we can do is boycott any product that helps pay for these seal hunts to continue, such as the Canadian sea food industry and tourism. Canada exports most of it’s sea food to the USA so we don’t buy it, then shops won’t buy it from wholesalers and wholesalers will stop stocking it meaning until Canada stop murdering these seals they won’t be making profit off of the fish they catch, thus causing them not to have enough money to fund the seal hunts in the first place. This is the same situation with tourism, if we don’t go on holiday to this country it cuts another large sum of money from being used to promote and pay for this evil hunt. Could you live with yourself knowing you was helping these evil people pay for the inhumane hunts that result in hundreds of thousands of seal cubs and seals die each year?